Friday, August 5, 2016

Review: COSQ-005 Sexcross Frontier Haruki Satou

ID: COSQ-005
Actress: Satou Haruki
Release Date: 2012-06-25
Label: Kosukyu-bu
Genres: Cosplay, Roleplay
Reviewer: Mr. Tan


In the same way that there are numerous kinds of cosplayers, the types of cosplay JAV are quite varied. Some cosplayers specialize in a single character, others forge multiple costumes for an array of persona, others cosplay in circles, groups dedicated to specific interests, and so on. Then you have the cosplayers who do it for the art, the ones who do it to be popular, others who jump on the latest trend, and this has become quite involved, hasn’t it?

Suffice to say that cosplay JAV approximates the above and we shall be doing our best here to introduce the audience to as many as we have in our collections. In this particular edition, we’ll focus on a JAV actress who is cosplaying one character in multiple canon outfits and attempting the persona of the character.

The Actress

I seem to be on a streak of my favorite actresses lately. As you might have guessed, I am quite fond of Haruki Satou. The oddity here is that if one looks at her objectively, she’s not “special.” She isn’t beautiful, but her oval face is still quite pretty. She is a low-key kind of girl, overshadowed by the flashier gals in a crowd. She’s a bit more distant than the girl-next-door, so perhaps it would be fair to characterize her as the unnoticed and attractive friend of the hot glamour babe.

In contrast to this lower-energy persona, her body is excellent. Her breasts are large and shapely, while her waist is narrow and her buttocks are nicely rounded. She’s also good in bed. There’s something about this combination that works unexpectedly well with me.

Rating 3.5

The Performance

Unlike Mr. White, I like the anime/manga/video game culture from Japan as much as I like JAV. In this film, Haruki Satou cosplays as Sheryl Nome from Macross Frontier. Macross is a franchise that is composed of three components: mecha (also known as giant robots, Mr. White), music, and love triangles. Sheryl Nome is one-third of the love triangle and one half of the music, since she is known as the Galactic Fairy, a Milky Way-spanning songstress known for her powerful voice and her glamorous, charismatic persona.

I’m sure the smarter readers will see this coming, but to get this out of the way now: Haruki Satou, however much I like her, was not the best choice to cosplay Sheryl Nome. She has none of the self-confidence that Sheryl projects at every moment. Haruki Satou has neither the glamour nor the charisma to pull the role off. If they were determined to put her in cosplay from Macross Frontier, Ranka Lee, another third of the love triangle and the other half of the music, would have been the superior fit, but for two large details. Yes, Haruki Satou has a large bosom that fits with Sheryl Nome’s figure. In my considered opinion, this film would have worked better with a more glamorous JAV starlet like Anri Okita, but done is done.

When obliged to be intimate with the JAV actor cosplaying Sheryl’s love interest, Haruki does a slightly better job, but again, she is missing something, in this case, the attitude known as “tsundere.” It’s a bit more than playing hot and cold, as well as outside our scope, so go look it up. It's not like I gave you a link or anything.

Rating 2.0


Ah, this section. Haruki Satou’s costumes are good! While they do not appear to have been custom-made specifically for her, they fit well, the material does not look cheap, and the wigs are top-quality. Cosplay films can often suffer from the director being a cheapskate, so it is clear that the costumes were not a victim of this. Unless you count the male actor’s costume, but only film reviewers are sufficiently uptight to notice details like that.

On the other side, devils below, the music is atrocious. For a series famed for its magnificent sound, Macross Frontier had some of the best compositions in a quarter century. Unfortunately, the stuff used in this JAV hurts my ears and does not remotely fit with the damned theme. Licensing the actual Macross music would never have happened, but I’m sure that a bit more budget could have been squeezed to have a starving artist compose a few decent soundtracks. It’s not like they spent much on the background.

Still, this is costume play. The high-quality costumes help the score despite the demerits otherwise present. The requisite elements for JAV are also present: masturbation scene, b/g scene(s), forced fanservice scene. Unfortunately, they’re out of order, so the presentation does not work as well as it should. I am deliberately not complaining about things I as a fan deem out of character.

Rating 3.0

Sexual Content

My complaints are fewer in this department. There are a total of five sex scenes, laid out along the lines mentioned before. The first scene can be considered a full service scene, where Haruki Satou attempts to project Sheryl’s persona and has sex with the love interest cosplayer. There is extensive foreplay, cunninglus, fellatio, and intercourse in multiple positions, ending in a creampie, so huzzah for the first scene! The second scene is where things flow less well, since our heroine is in the same outfit as the previous scene, but engages in an extended masturbation sequence. Sure, it’s hot, but it’s out of sync in terms of escalation.

The third scene, ugh. It’s the forced fanservice scene. Even as our Sheryl Nome (JAV edition) attempts to dismiss these fans, they succeed in pushing her down on her knees and getting a bukkake sequence. Not at all my thing, but Haruki Satou does a good job of fellating the four of them. Each actor ejaculates on her face at different times, so she looks like a hot mess by the end. It would have been better had the “fans” been faceless, but we’re forced to look at one of them, and the fellow has the full-blown lives-in-his-mother’s-basement thing going. Definitely the sort of jarring experience that does not do a boner well.

The fourth scene involves one of the fans from the previous scene, who has apparently gotten sufficiently back into the good graces of Sheryl Nome (JAV edition) to be allowed to stimulate his erection on her (fully-clothed) body, as well as to be granted the boons of receiving fellatio and paizuri. Haruki Satou’s breastplay is on point, as the fellow ejaculates all over her breasts just from the paizuri.

The finale is similar to the first scene, only somewhat hotter in places, and it does not end in a creampie. Instead, the love interest cosplayer ejaculates on Haruki Satou’s face. However, this does not necessarily mean she’s satisfied, as she quickly takes the opportunity to begin licking his nipples and giving every impression that there will be another shot on goal before the camera tilts up to the ceiling and fades to play.

Rating 3.5


The film has flaws. The order of presentation is off, which interrupts the suspension of disbelief. I would have organized the movie differently to improve the sequence and flow. I also would have eliminated that irritating "fan" bukkake scene in the middle, since the budget freed there could have been used to enhance the experience for fans who purchased this because they are fans of Macross Frontier in general and Sheryl Nome in particular.

Valid criticisms aside, Haruki Satou is still attractive and does her best to deliver in the sexual content. The costumes are great and help with the immersion. For fans of the actress, the franchise, and the character, it is certainly an above average romp into sexual fantasy and perhaps even giving it a go for non-fans.

Rating: 3.0 B
Above Average

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